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My name’s Roger, and I’m a self-taught developer. I was planning to go to law school when I was in university, but ended up founding a startup instead. The startup failed, but I had to learn front-end code (basic HTML/CSS) to help us ship some products.

我叫罗杰(Roger),我是一个自学成才的开发人员。 我原本打算在大学时上法学院,但最终却创立了一家初创公司。 启动失败,但是我必须学习前端代码(基本HTML / CSS)来帮助我们交付某些产品。

I started working on a few digital marketing roles that required web development, data analysis and other skills, working through and building analytics systems in Python, and tinkering with websites in Ruby, HTML and CSS. I’ve placed several other autodidacts into their dream jobs in my most recent role as the head of growth for a data science and machine learning education company.

我开始处理一些需要网络开发,数据分析和其他技能的数字营销角色,使用Python来构建和构建分析系统,并使用Ruby,HTML和CSS来修改网站。 作为数据科学和机器学习教育公司的增长负责人,我最近的职位是将其他一些自谋职业放置在他们的梦想工作中。

I also just finished writing a .

我还刚刚写完了 。

Through it all, I’ve shortlisted several useful resources that I myself review frequently, and share with different students. My experiences have really helped me learn what useful resources help people down their career path and which don’t.

通过这一切,我选择了一些我自己经常查看的有用资源,并与其他学生分享。 我的经验确实帮助我了解了哪些有用的资源可以帮助人们走上职业道路,哪些没有。

I’ve been a marketer. I can tell which resources barely add value and which do. I’m going to point you to the ones that really do add tremendous value. Consider it an insider tip.

我去过市场 我可以分辨出哪些资源几乎不能增加价值,哪些可以。 我将向您指出确实可以带来巨大价值的产品。 认为这是内部秘诀。

So, without further ado, here are the resources I’ve found that genuinely work for me and different students.


从找到您的社区开始 (Start with finding your community)

The one thing that’s added the most value for me personally are strong communities focused on learning. In workplace settings, takes place between mentors and mentees. You want to surround yourself with a supportive community whenever you’re learning something new so you can benefit from the same effect.

对我个人而言,最有价值的一件事是专注于学习的强大社区。 在工作场所, 发生在导师和受训者之间。 每当您学习新知识时,您都希望与一个支持社区相处,以便从中受益。

Here are some of the communities that I found useful:


  • A subreddit within the larger Reddit community, the is dedicated to programming resources and for programming learners. It’s a great resource where people will upvote the top resources to learn programming for your consumption. I found it because I’m a frequent reddit user and to my delight, it’s ended up being one of my top resources to consult on a frequent basis.

    在更大的Reddit社区中的一个subreddit, reddit致力于编程资源和学习者编程。 这是一个很好的资源,人们可以在其中争夺顶级资源来学习您的消费编程。 我找到它是因为我经常使用Reddit,而令我高兴的是,它最终成为我经常咨询的重要资源之一。

  • I then went on to the ubiquitous . Here, you can see a variety of programming challenges and supplied answers from experts in different programming communities. I came here both to see the answers compiled from experts in the field, and to pose questions myself.

    然后,我继续进行无处不在的 。 在这里,您可以看到各种编程挑战,以及来自不同编程社区的专家提供的答案。 我来到这里既查看该领域专家的答案,也自己提出问题。

  • I then started browsing . It’s a daily curated feed of the most valuable and relevant technology and programming news out there. Community members are responsible for upvoting and downvoting both articles and comments, ensuring that quality submissions come to the forefront. I’ve found the articles to be very high-quality and well-vetted here.

    然后,我开始浏览 。 这是每日精选的最有价值,最相关的技术和编程新闻。 社区成员负责对文章和评论进行投票和否决,以确保高质量的提交意见排在第一位。 我发现这里的文章质量很高且经过严格审查。

  • I’ve reached out to different employees of companies, including Google, Facebook and more through here, contacting them through their Hacker News accounts and emails they’ve provided me. It’s been an invaluable resource for making career connections and for getting great resources to learn from.

    我通过这里接触了公司的不同员工,包括Google,Facebook等,并通过他们的Hacker News帐户和他们提供给我的电子邮件与他们联系。 这是建立职业联系并获得大量学习资源的宝贵资源。
  • Then, moving on, I found the . With many of the initial users based in Silicon Valley, the site has become a hotspot for reaching out to intelligent and technically skilled folks. I’ve consulted mega-threads related to learning programming and asked questions to further my learning here.

    然后,继续前进,我找到了 。 由于许多最初的用户都位于硅谷,因此该网站已成为吸引聪明和技术娴熟的人们的热点。 我已经咨询了与学习编程相关的大型线程,并提出了一些问题以进一步学习。

  • Finally, I found , a large programming community filled with IT professionals. It tends to be filled with people who use . While the community seems to focus more on older closed-source solutions, it can still be a useful repository of knowledge, and I browse it occasionally.

    最后,我找到了 ,这是一个由IT专业人员组成的大型编程社区。 它往往被使用人所占据。 尽管社区似乎更多地专注于较旧的封闭源解决方案,但它仍然可以是有用的知识资源,我偶尔浏览它。

The really cool thing with these programming communities is that they are all rich repositories of genuinely helpful career resources. I managed to reach out to different helpful mentors and also consult tons of threads and experiences from people who work in the tech industry.

这些编程社区的真正妙处在于,它们都是真正有用的职业资源的丰富存储库。 我设法与其他有用的导师联系,并从技术行业工作人员那里征询了无数的线索和经验。

然后查看实际代码并构建您的投资组合 (Then look through actual code and build your portfolio)

Now that you’re done looking at different communities that can help you on your programming journey, you can turn around and do what I did. Look for repositories of code where you can start contributing!

现在您已经完成了对可以帮助您进行编程之旅的不同社区的研究,您可以转身去做我所做的事情。 寻找可以开始贡献代码的存储库!

  • is the world’s largest living repository of code. The code here is updated by different contributors on an almost-hourly basis, with many of the fundamental building blocks of different programming languages constantly being hosted and upgraded here. Look through different blocks of code, contribute some code of your own, or host projects on Github for collaboration. You can also search for the “awesome” repositories to get a list of curated resources on different programming topics. That’s how I started seeing the power of mega-lists of programming resources.

    是世界上最大的实时代码存储库。 此处的代码由不同的贡献者几乎每个小时更新一次,并且在这里不断托管和升级了不同编程语言的许多基本构建块。 浏览不同的代码块,贡献自己的一些代码,或在Github上托管项目以进行协作。 您也可以搜索“很棒的”存储库,以获得有关不同编程主题的精选资源列表。 这就是我开始看到大型编程资源列表的威力的方式。

  • is another set of Git repositories, more suited to the needs of distributed teams. You can use it to upload your code and you can take a look at other repositories. The main difference between it and GitHub is that you can have unlimited private repositories, unlike GitHub’s pricing when it comes to making repositories private. While this makes Bitbucket much more attractive to private teams, it also means that most of the open-source projects out there are hosted on GitHub. This is more attractive based on the large community of programmers actively looking over open-source projects.

    是另一组Git存储库,更适合于分布式团队的需求。 您可以使用它来上传代码,还可以查看其他存储库。 它和GitHub之间的主要区别在于,您可以拥有无​​限的私有存储库,这与GitHub将存储库私有化的定价不同。 尽管这使Bitbucket对私人团队更具吸引力,但这也意味着那里的大多数开源项目都托管在GitHub上。 基于大量积极地关注开源项目的程序员社区,这更具吸引力。

咨询并参与Wiki (Consult and participate in Wikis)

When I was finished incorporating code repositories and programming communities into my daily routine, I turned around to Wikis — constantly updated troves of knowledge with tons of user-updated information. I looked to add knowledge, get in touch with other knowledge contributors, and absorb as much as possible.

当我完成将代码存储库和编程社区纳入我的日常工作之后,我转向了Wiki-不断更新大量的知识和大量用户更新的信息。 我希望增加知识,与其他知识贡献者保持联系,并尽可能多地吸收知识。

The following Wiki’s were paricularly useful:


  • The learnprogramming subreddit community has already been mentioned above as a great resource. The subreddit has a , a collaborative effort between members of that community to create a living, valuable resource that can help you with the very basics of code, from formatting questions to how to debug.

    前面已经提到了learningprogramming subreddit社区,这是一个很好的资源。 subreddit拥有一个 ,该社区成员之间的协作努力创造了一个活泼的,有价值的资源,可以帮助您掌握从格式化问题到如何调试的代码基础知识。

  • is a living library of different user-contributed books. Many of them are on programming topics such as this , a resource I consulted when I was looking into the language.

    是一个由用户提供的不同书籍的图书馆。 他们中的许多人都在编程方面,例如百科全书》,这是我在研究该语言时查阅的资源。

  • Finally, the is a data science focused Wiki filled with different resources in the space. It’s the creation of Kaggle, an online community of data science admirers who come together to compete on the best machine learning models. You can be certain that the Wiki will contain a lot of resources that will be valuable to your learning journey on programming and data science. This was a resource I recommended often to people looking to learn data science.

    最后, 是专注于数据科学的Wiki,在空间中充满了各种资源。 这是Kaggle的创建,Kaggle是一个数据科学仰慕者的在线社区,他们聚在一起争夺最佳机器学习模型。 您可以确定Wiki将包含许多资源,这些资源对于您在编程和数据科学方面的学习之旅将是宝贵的。 我经常向希望学习数据科学的人们推荐这种资源。

最后,找到寻找工作的不同方法 (Finally, find different approaches to finding jobs)

I know what it can feel like to be on the job hunt. You need all of the resources you can get. I was in that place once so I started compiling a list of the most effective job boards and places to find a technical job as I looked into the process.

我知道找工作的感觉。 您需要获得的所有资源。 我曾经到过那个地方,所以我开始汇编最有效的工作委员会清单,并在我研究过程时找到一份技术工作。

Here is a list of different job boards you should go to if you’re looking for a programming job and don’t have a degree that can be particularly fruitful for your job search. They’ve been approaches that I’ve battle-tested. Consider it a final conclusion of useful, supplemental resources to finding you the career you deserve.

如果您正在寻找编程工作并且没有可以为您的工作寻找特别丰富的学位,那么这里是一份不同的工作委员会清单。 它们是我经过实战检验的方法。 将其视为有用的补充资源的最后结论,可以找到您应有的职业。

领英 (LinkedIn)

Sometimes it’s good to start at the most obvious place. LinkedIn has a large number of technology jobs that you can find quite easily. You can sign up for a free trial of the premium version and quickly look through different jobs.

有时最好从最明显的地方开始。 LinkedIn有大量的技术工作,您可以很容易地找到。 您可以注册免费版本的高级版,然后快速浏览不同的工作。

LinkedIn can also be a great way to research hiring managers and get a sense of what a company is like before you even apply there. You’ll be able to see what the organizational hierarchy looks like by scrolling from one profile to another — and you’ll be able to see what skills the company emphasizes, either by looking at the profiles of those who were hired or by using your trial Premium account and looking at job postings or company pages.

LinkedIn也是研究招聘经理并了解您的公司状况的好方法,甚至可以在此申请。 您可以通过从一个个人资料滚动到另一个人资料来查看组织层次结构,并且可以通过查看录用人员的个人资料或通过使用您的个人资料来查看公司强调的技能试用高级帐户,并查看职位发布或公司页面。

You’ll want to think about how to so you can get the most out of this career-oriented social network. I worked hard on my LinkedIn profile, and now, I get tons of recruiters reaching out to me out of the blue.

您将要考虑如何以便从这个以职业为导向的社交网络中获得最大收益。 我在LinkedIn上进行了艰苦的工作,现在,我吸引了许多招聘人员,他们突如其来。

黑客新闻 (Hacker News)

Besides being a great repository of technical articles and a community that curates people who are interested in the cutting edge of technology, also serves as a job portal of sorts for . These are technology companies that might be as young as a two-person startup and also those who have started fully maturing (as an example, Dropbox, Airbnb, and Quora were all at one time or another incubated by Y Combinator).

除了提供大量的技术文章和社区资源来培养对技术前沿感兴趣的人们之外, 还可以作为的工作门户。 这些技术公司可能只有两个人的初创公司,还已经完全成熟(例如,Dropbox,Airbnb和Quora一次或两次都由Y Combinator孵化​​)。

The of the site features different YC companies and their hiring needs. There are also called Ask HN: Who is hiring? where discussions about urgent job opportunities are surfaced that may be hard to find elsewhere. Here’s an example of the latest .

该站点的“ 介绍了不同的YC公司及其招聘需求。 都有名为Ask HN :谁在招聘? 关于紧急工作机会的讨论浮出水面,而在其他地方可能很难找到。 这是最新的示例。

By commenting on different articles and reaching out to different members in the Hacker News community as mentioned before, you’ll reach out to many users who are senior figures in the startup world. You might find your way to different mentors and somebody who can introduce you to the right hiring manager.

通过评论不同的文章并与之前提到的Hacker News社区的不同成员联系,您将接触到许多初创企业的资深用户。 您可能会找到与其他导师以及可以将您介绍给合适的招聘经理的人。


An online repository for different startups. The jobs on offer here tend to be with earlier stage companies working at the edge of technology. One great perk about this is that entrepreneurs may be more willing to accept people from non-traditional backgrounds to work with them — especially if you’re willing to accept and maybe even embrace the risk that comes with working in a startup.

不同创业公司的在线存储库。 这里提供的工作往往是处于技术前沿的早期公司。 与此相关的一个好处是,企业家可能更愿意接受来自非传统背景的人与他们一起工作-尤其是如果您愿意接受甚至可能接受在创业公司工作带来的风险。

I managed to get a job by applying to jobs on AngelList, which was as simple as a one-click apply. It was also a great way for me to see what startups were hiring — I highly recommend it!

通过在AngelList上申请职位,我设法获得了一份工作,就像一键式申请一样简单。 对于我来说,这也是查看初创公司正在招聘的好方法-我强烈推荐!

I hope this list of resources I used is helpful for you! If you want more material like this, please check out .

希望我使用的这份资源清单对您有所帮助! 如果您想要更多这样的材料,请查阅 。




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